The Briton and the Dane: Concordia Read online

  Published in the United States of America in association with The Literary Underground, Yucaipa, California 92399

  Copyright © 2013 by Mary Ann Bernal

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

  eISBN: 978-0-9833469-5-1

  Cover design by Steven Novak


  my son Alex and his wife Kerry

  and their children

  Alex, Ana and Addy

  Dedicated to the memory of

  KIA Kabul Afghanistan 27 April 2011

  Lt Col Frank Bryant

  Major David Brodeur

  Major Jeffrey Ausborn

  Major Raymond Estelle

  Major Philip Ambard

  Major Charles Ransom

  Capt Nathan Nylander

  MSgt Tara Brown

  Mr. James McLaughlin

  and all the fallen

  military and civilian heroes

  in the ongoing fight against terror


  There are many people that have played a supportive role during my writing journey. The enthusiasm and belief in the project provided by my editor, WeiEn Chen, is truly gratifying.

  My family and friends continual encouragement since I embarked on fulfilling my lifelong dream is also deeply appreciated.

  Very special thanks to Mark Barry, my staunchest supporter and dearest friend. I am also indebted to Diane Boni, D. G. Turner, and Holliday Franger for their insightful feedback as they eagerly read the draft manuscript, and to Sonja Cox for her invaluable assistance with my marketing endeavors.

  My illustrator, Steven Novak, designed covers that accurately depict the theme of the series, and I am most grateful for his exceptional creative talent.

  Lastly, I wish to thank my wonderful reading public for their interest in my work. “The Briton and the Dane” novels will truly transcend time because of the remarkable support that I continue to receive from my fans.

  Novels by Mary Ann Bernal

  The Briton and the Dane: Concordia

  The Briton and the Dane Trilogy:

  The Briton and the Dane

  The Briton and the Dane: Birthright

  The Briton and the Dane: Legacy

  Kingdom of Anglo-Saxon Wessex

  Reign of Alfred the Great

  Capital and Court at Winchester

  Alfred the Great - King of Wessex

  Aethelswitha - Alfred’s Queen


  Edward the Elder; Aethelflaed

  Aefthryth; Aethelgifu; Aethelweard

  The Queen’s Confessor

  Father Damian

  The King’s Army

  Brantson - Commander

  Bryce - First Officer

  Court School

  Brother Frederic


  Burh of Wareham

  Lord Stephen - Commandant

  Elizabeth - wife of Lord Stephen

  Gabriel - son of Stephen & Elizabeth

  Oriana - daughter of Stephen & Elizabeth

  Concordia - daughter of Stephen & Arista

  Emidus - son of Stephen & Arista

  Winifred - Concordia’s servant

  Diera - love interest of Umar

  Father Osmund - Abbey priest

  European Continent

  Rome - The Papal City

  Pope John IX


  Holy Roman Emperor

  Arnulf of Carinthia


  Frankish Coast

  Lothar - Umar’s Uncle

  Hilary - wife of Lothar; Umar’s Aunt

  Celsa - daughter of Lothar & Hilary

  Muslim Hispania - Emirate of Cordova


  Idris & Hadaya -governing family


  Thayer - son of Idris & Hadaya

  Sharif - Thayer’s henchman

  Nadia- love interest of Thayer

  Bashir - Nadia’s henchman

  Yara - slave & love interest of Jafri


  Umar - fisherman

  Saracen Pirates

  Chad - leader



  Jafri - love interest of Yara

  Concordia’s World

  King Alfred’s court school was flourishing despite the badgering heathen raids that continued to plague the Saxon king’s reign. Even though King Guthrum’s successor, King Eohric, continued to honor the treaty agreed to by his predecessor, invading Norsemen continued to harass Britannia's shores, seeking to conquer the rich fertile lands of the Kingdom of Wessex.

  Scholars and students from the continent paid no heed to the heathen threat since warfare was a way of life in an age dominated by invasion and conquest where all of Christendom was fighting not only the feared Norsemen but also the Saracen menace. Moorish pirates sailed the Mediterranean Sea and ventured across the Frankish kingdom pursuing plunder and slaves.

  Protecting travelers was a lucrative business that mercenaries exploited, charging steep fees that were readily paid by people of privilege. Thieves usually avoided armed caravans since it was well known that seasoned warriors gave no quarter. The Holy Roman Emperor’s army also hunted the brigands that harassed the countryside, but Moorish bandits struck quickly and returned to hidden camps lining Hispania’s coastline.

  Travelers failed to be dissuaded, drawing up wills and placing their affairs in order prior to embarking on a lengthy journey. Tradesmen, merchants, scholars and students were drawn to the thriving cities while pilgrims flocked to newly-built abbeys to atone for their many sins.

  As powerful rulers increased the size of their standing armies and warriors were trained to keep the peace within the realm, the perils of traveling lessened. Visiting foreign lands enticed the adventurous spirit and excited the soul as conditions improved. While people prayed for safe deliverance, enslavement or death was a reality that could not be denied, yet they willingly risked life and limb, because whatever fate was suffered was the will of God.


  Concordia hurried across the deserted courtyard and headed towards the massive Keep that dominated King Alfred’s fortified city of Winchester. She kept within the shadows and was grateful for the cloud cover while running past the soldiers patrolling the wall-walk and avoiding the ever-present sentries that walked the familiar streets. She pulled her hood tighter around her face when a sudden gust of wind scattered the willowy clouds and moonbeams illuminated the darkened night. She looked atop the tower and quickened her pace when she noticed a solitary figure glancing in her direction.

  Concordia waved excitedly as she approached the stairwell and was out of breath by the time she reached the top. Her eyes sparkled and her face was flushed as she removed her hood, her loose tresses caressing her face when touched by the whispering wind, her simple dress accentuating her curvaceous body while her cloak fluttered about her.

  Thayer bowed ceremoniously, grasped her hand and kissed the tip of her fingers. He laughed inwardly since he was amused by her reticence as she quickly withdrew her hand, yet he looked questionably into her glowing eyes while brushing aside unruly strands of hair that billowed effortlessly in the wind.

  Concordia glanced upon the exotic Moor whom she admired from the moment he had arrived at the court school. She had kept her distance because she feared the awakening emotions that consumed her thoughts whenever she came upon him, whether in the classroom or at the kin
g’s table. She remembered her embarrassment each time he caught her staring at him during one of Brother Frederic’s lengthy discussions; however, she was pleased when he winked in acknowledgement, and how could she forget the sparkle in his eyes? His dark features added to his mystique, which fueled the budding fire within her soul. Concordia sensed his excitement when their hands touched briefly each time he handed her a book or helped her rise from a chair. She preferred sharing the evening meal at the king’s table where Thayer would be found sitting next to the queen, and she still had the flower petals he had given her when they first met. She tried to suppress her feelings, knowing her father would never permit such a match, even though Concordia and Thayer shared a passion for knowledge in a world shrouded in warfare.

  “You are trembling,” Thayer whispered as he pulled her closer and held her tightly in a loving embrace.

  Concordia did not shy away from his touch, but welcomed his protective arms as she tried to control her rising emotions while fearing the truth of his words. Her watery eyes glistened in the moonlight as she buried her head in his chest, taking deep breaths as her mind made sense of her chaotic thoughts while finding the courage to speak the words hidden within her heart.

  “Do not be distressed,” Thayer said softly as he kissed the top of her head. “Our friendship is unrivaled and I shall cherish the memories.”

  Concordia freed herself from his embrace and walked towards the wall while admonishing herself for her foolishness. He had spoken the truth, they were just friends, but because she was smitten, she believed he returned her love. She would have been humiliated by her confession and silently thanked the Lord that she had held her tongue.

  “I beg forgiveness,” Concordia said as she glanced upon the darkened landscape. “I had grown accustomed to your presence in the classroom and will miss our debates. I meant no offense.”

  “Ah, Concordia, never apologize for speaking your thoughts...that is why I find you so refreshing...I have enjoyed our differing will be sorely missed.”

  Concordia wrapped her cloak tightly around her as wind gusts chilled the night air. She smiled slightly when Thayer placed a velvet pouch in her hand, yet she was hesitant to accept the gift.

  “Open it,” Thayer whispered in her ear.

  Concordia gasped when she saw the gold bead necklace, but she could not curtain her excitement when she held the striking jewels against her chest. The gold beads were interspersed with turquoise and blue glass of various designs, and each bead was elegantly embellished by exquisitely engraved decorations.

  “I have never seen such intricate work,” Concordia said excitedly as Thayer clasped the necklace around her neck. “There are no words...but I cannot accept such a costly gift.”

  “You must, lest you offend my mother.”

  “I do not am I known?”

  “I had written my mother of our friendship...she sent this token so you may always remember the bond we belonged to her mother...she insisted.”

  “Tell her I am most pleased,” Concordia murmured as she held the beads gently between her fingers while averting his gaze. “Tell her I shall never forget her kindness.”

  “Come, the hour grows must be in your chambers before you are missed.”

  Concordia followed Thayer down the stairs as the clouds once again covered the full moon. She walked silently beside the man who had captured her heart, etching his features into memory, to remember in the days ahead, when she grieved for a love that might have been.

  Thayer stopped abruptly when they reached the king’s private quarters, grasped Concordia by the shoulders and kissed her gently upon her lips.

  “Forgive my impertinence,” Thayer said softly. “I cannot leave without telling you...if must go before words are spoken that cannot be taken back...go!”

  “I do not understand,” Concordia tearfully replied. “Can you not see...”

  “Hush,” Thayer interrupted as he placed his finger over her lips. “I know.”

  “Will I ever see you again?” Concordia asked, her voice choked with emotion.

  “If Allah wills it,” Thayer replied kindly before he disappeared into the night.

  Chapter One

  As the sun began its descent in a cloudless sky, the battle-weary Saxons cheered as the blazing dragonship sank in the windswept channel. The forceful gusts obscured the cries of drowning men as the remnants of Norse invaders embraced a watery grave. The stench of death intermingled with the sea mist as King Alfred’s warriors walked amongst the carnage, seeking their fallen brothers in arms while a healer tended to the wounded.

  Women from a nearby village hurried towards the sandy battlefield, carrying baskets filled with an assortment of healing herbs while children carried much needed linen to bind the wounds. The healer was grateful for their assistance, barking orders as he bound the severed leg of a gravely injured warrior.

  “We are skilled with the needle,” one of the women said as she pointed to a man whose arm had been slashed.

  “Tend to him then!” The healer shouted while the rest of the women made themselves useful ministering to the mutilated men.

  A stableboy drove a wagon down the sloping shoreline, reining his horse when he reached the blood-soaked beach. He jumped off his seat and calmed the frightened animal as he waited to load the wagon, thanking the Lord silently that the heathen assault had been thwarted.

  Brantson walked amongst the wounded as his able-bodied men made the necessary preparations to bury the dead. He spoke with every man, assessing their wounds while providing comfort, but his demeanor was somber as he silently counted the number of warriors he had lost. Brantson gestured to the stableboy who hurried towards him, and he smiled slightly when the lad removed his hat and bowed.

  “How are you called?”

  “Alden, my lord.”

  “Alden, I would have you bring the wounded men to the holy brothers at the abbey, but return quickly for the dead.”

  “We will need more wagons,” Alden replied while pointing at the heathen bodies.

  “Nay, we will alight a funeral fire as is their custom...I would not deny them their beliefs.”

  “As you wish,” Alden mumbled before taking his leave.

  “The boy seemed surprised by your honorable treatment of the enemy,” the first officer said quietly as he approached his commander.

  “It is only fitting,” Brantson murmured as he gazed upon the lifeless bodies. “But you already know my thoughts in this regard, so why are you troubled?”

  “One of the children said there were two dragonships.”

  Brantson did not answer immediately but rather walked towards the rippling waves breaking softly upon the muddy beach. He glanced at the quiet coastline as the red and orange hues of twilight brightened the evening sky.

  “Set up camp in the forest, near the abbey. If what the boy said is true, I would expect a raid when the moon sits high in the sky.”

  Brantson remained at the water’s edge while his first officer carried out his orders. His thoughts returned to a battle at sea so many years past, when the man he called father had died while serving King Alfred in a fight of his own choosing. If the king had not been victorious, Rollo’s fate might never have been known. His eyes became moist as he remembered the pain the woman he called mother suffered once she learned the truth, and because he remembered, he took pity on the heathen women who lived across the North Sea since they would never learn the fate of their men.

  The Saxon warriors rested in the darkened camp, eating dried meat but drinking sparsely as they awaited the enemy while scouting parties patrolled the shoreline in the warm night air. The men spoke in whispers, their soft words hidden beneath the screeching sound of dying animals as nocturnal predators ensnared their prey. A gentle breeze rustled the trees, the cool night air a welcome respite from the sweltering heat that lingered across the countryside. Faint flashes of lightning were seen on the hori
zon, casting an eerie whitish glow in the star-studded sky.

  Brantson sat against a white birch, sharpening his sword while his thoughts wandered to happier days when cousins spent the summer months in Exeter, visiting Concordia’s Uncle Sidonius, her mother’s brother who had restored the familial estate to its former glory. A smile formed on his solemn face when he recalled Concordia running through a flowery meadow, her laughter echoing across the countryside as she playfully teased the younger children. He was not of their blood, but he was considered family, sharing a life once thought beyond his reach. The cousins sought his counsel because he was older and wise beyond his years, which formed a deepening bond that defied the passage of time.

  Brantson did not remember when his feelings towards Concordia began to change. She was as a sister, a spirited little girl who never left his side whenever he visited Wareham. His hand sought the silver Cross he wore beneath his tunic, Concordia’s parting gift when he left to serve in King Alfred’s army. She had stayed atop the Keep until he was lost to her view, a mere child whom he would not see again for many years.

  Brantson rose in the ranks of King Alfred’s army and became a respected officer, a gifted tactician who thwarted the Norsemen on numerous campaigns, but the heathen continued to threaten Britannia’s shores, keeping Brantson in the midst of battle and preventing him from returning to those he loved.